Blackscar's blog
sorry this is late
Daisy Patch
10/25/2010 09:25:48 pm

There once was a pig who went oink,
Who travelled the world with a torch,
Then one day, he found,
Tottering on the ground,
A parrot in high heels
On his porch.

Daisy Patch
10/26/2010 07:28:12 am

I think I need torevise this, adding a bad Brooklyn accent:

There once was a pig who went oink,
Who travelled the world with a toich,
Then one day, he found,
Tottering on the ground,
A parrot in high heels
On his porch.

Any other ideas out there in blog land?

10/28/2010 10:24:33 am

Miss Piggy kicked her high heels off at the end of a long productive day.
She was so sleepy wanting to go to bed. She took off her clothes, brushed her teeth and washed up.
Alas her feet were too sore to move.
Her friend the parrot grabbed the flashlight to look for a nap sack in the shed wondering whether Miss Piggy will be upright when she gets back.
Miss Piggy shot her eyes wishing for the high heels to grow wings and fly off never to see them again.

Daisy Patch
11/1/2010 09:37:18 pm

Poor Miss Piggy!


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